60th Biennale di Venezia


Platform Earth is an environmental arts charity harnessing the power of carbon-negative art to fund marine carbon capture projects.

We believe art and the wider art community have the power to make a tangible and real contribution to mitigating climate change with a focus on ocean restoration.

We galvanise artists and institutions giving them an opportunity to direct the value harnessed by their work towards protecting and restoring marine habitats through our positive and solution based environmental projects. We engage the public through exhibitions and our innovative cultural events programme hosting scientists, actors, poets and activists, highlighting the benefit of safeguarding our oceans.

Our Cultural Programme brings together a coalition of artists, actors and environmental change makers to inspire support for UK marine carbon capture.

Voted the Best Environmental Project at Frieze 2022

Frieze art fair attendees were invited to vote for their favourite environmental charity through Pinwheel- an initiative bringing together artists, audiences and organisations across the non-profit and private sectors to grow and deepen support for meaningful planet repair. Platform Earth’s Sussex Kelp Restoration Project received the most votes, marking itself as the most relevant charitable initiative to Frieze’s audience

"It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth."

- Sir David Attenborough